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Recently I went to meet one of my sons at the airport and happened to pass a couple asking someone for directions. It seemed the person they had asked for assistance didn’t know or wasn’t able to help them.


It got me thinking. How sure are any of us about our journey through life and where we are heading for?


“Follow me” says Jesus, “I am the Way.” Sounds simple enough but just how many times do we get lost on the way? How many times do we ask others for directions after stepping down a blind alley that leads nowhere? How many times do we follow the wrong guides, perhaps well-meaning, but in reality, also lost; somewhat like the blind leading the blind.


Some people are good at taking a lead, born leaders and often very convincing. Should we follow these? I’m sure most of have at sometime. Should we follow visionaries and seers? Should we follow self-proclaimed ‘prophets’? Who should we listen to or seek when we need directions?


In her Medjugorje messages Our Lady makes it very clear that she will lead us to Jesus – the Way: “I will lead you to my Son… If you open your hearts I will lead you… Give me your hands, I will lead you… Through reconcilation, prayer and fasting, I will lead you… I will lead you on the way of salvation… I will lead you with motherly love… Consecrate your hearts to me and I will lead you…”


At Medjugorje countless number of pilgrims have reconciled with God and each other after encountering Jesus in prayer and in the Sacraments, souls who had lost their way and were in need of someone to direct them back to Jesus – a Mother who fulfills her promise to those who choose to respond to her call.




The stone statue of Our Lady Queen of Peace (pictured below) is the work of sculptor Dino Felici and is a focal point of prayer and meetings for pilgrims and parishioners – day and night. It is probably the most photographed feature of Medjugorje.


Our Lady is positioned beckoning with her left hand, while the right hand rests on her heart. But from a kneeling viewpoint, her position can be interpreted as the presentation of her Son, Jesus, on the Cross. This is the gift Mary presents to pilgrims at Medjugorje, the Crucified Christ.

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