DO NOT FORGET the things your eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your heart all the days of your life; rather, tell them to your children and to your children’s children. Deuteronomy 4 : 9
Maybe it’s because I am at an age in life where I am beginning to forget things is why this passage from Deuteronomy registers with me.
And I was speaking with someone recently who was also experiencing memory lapses and we were consoling each other that it isn’t such a bad thing to live in or for the moment and not get too concerned about all that has happened in the past which we have forgotten about. Life is not about the past but what is to come.
Our Lady also asks in her messages not to forget, so that tells me she is very familiar with the memory lapses. But her occasional prompts are welcomed by me. It’s not always a case of being forgetful but distracted.
DO NOT FORGET... to seek God’s graces... to live the messages... I am with you... this is a time of grace... your home is in heaven... without God you can do nothing... love conquers through prayer... I love you with a tender love... I am your mother... to read Sacred Scripture... you are travelling to eternity... you are passing like a flower in a field... your freedom is your weakness... you are all important in God’s great plan... that Jesus gave his life for you to be saved... you live in a time of grace... your shepherds...
But my favourite reminder has to be: “Do not forget that your life does not belong to you, but is a gift with which you must bring joy to others and lead them to eternal life.”
I suppose there is always a danger for anyone who has experienced the graces of Medjugorje, to put aside at times all that has been received, and even to bury the gifts. I don’t think this is ever intentional, but the world does have a way of making its presence felt and reducing our attention and commitment to keep walking in the direction Our Lady would want us to. Hence her reminders and repeated teaching – lest we forget.