Considering quitting smoking, consuming less alcohol, dieting, or any of the many resolutions that top the lists at this time of year?
New Year Resolutions – promises made to be broken, as someone once said. But just why is it that so many people consider changing the way they live when January 1 comes around?
It’s encouraging for the world that there is this deep-rooted desire to change, to improve, in the hearts of all – a need to be at peace with ourselves and with each other.
Can it be a coincidence that this desire surfaces shortly after the birth of Jesus into the world?
In her March 2020 message to the visionary Marija, Our Lady asks that we make this resolution: BE COURAGEOUS, DECIDE FOR HOLINESS!
On another occasion (February 25, 1990), Our Lady said: In this season I especially want you to renounce all the things to which you are attached but are hurting your spiritual life. Therefore, little children, decide completely for God...
That’s what resolutions are – decisions. So here’s just a short list of resolutions presented by Our Lady over the many years she has been giving us her messages. Most are variations on her original message given to the world on the third day of the Medjugorje apparitions: Peace, Peace, Peace! Be reconciled. Only Peace. Reconcile yourselves with God and each other. June 26, 1981
Decide for God. August 2, 1992
...decide for love so that you will burn out of love, and daily experience God’s love. November 20, 1986My dear children, today I want to call each one of you to decide for Paradise. October 25, 1987
I call you to begin to change your life from the beginning and that you decide for conversion, not with words but with life. October 25, 1992
I wish that each of you decide for a change of life... February 25, 1993
You talk and talk but do not pray. Therefore, little children, decide for prayer. December 25, 1993
Today I invite you to decide for peace. January 25, 1996
Little children, I invite you to open yourselves and decide for conversion. June 25, 1996
Today I invite you to decide every day for God. June 25, 1996
...convert and start to live my messages, not with your words but with your life. In this way, little children, you will have the strength to decide for the true conversion of the heart. September 25, 1998
May your conversion and decision for holiness begin today and not tomorrow... dear children, be mine and decide with me for holiness. November 25, 1998
Dear children, at this time, while you are still looking back to the past year, I call you, little children, to look deeply into your heart and to decide to be closer to God and to prayer. January 25, 2002
Little children, decide for prayer. Especially now, in this time of grace, may your heart yearn for prayer. November 25, 2002
Little children, decide also today for God, that in you and through you He may change the hearts of people, and also your hearts. April 25, 2003
Dear children! I call you all to conversion of heart. Decide, as in the first days of my coming here, for a complete change of your life. August 25, 2004
Decide for holiness, little children, and think of heaven. Only in this way, will you have peace in your heart that no one will be able to destroy. May 25, 2005
I believe you can leave the way of sin and decide for holiness. September 25, 2005
Decide for God, little children, and you will find in God the peace your heart seeks. September 25, 2006
Little children, make good use of this time and through meeting with God in confession, leave sin and decide for holiness. Do this out of love for Jesus. February 25, 2007
I desire to take you all with me to Heaven, therefore, decide daily for holiness. March 25, 2007
My call, little children, desires to be for you a call to decide to follow the way of conversion; therefore, pray and seek the intercession of all the saints. October 25, 2010
Leave sin and decide, little children, for holiness. Only in this way can I help you, hear your prayers and seek intercession before the Most High. May 25, 2011
Open your hearts and decide for holiness, and hope will give birth to joy in your hearts. August 25, 2012
Decide, little children, to be far from sin and temptation and may there be joy and love for holiness in your hearts. July 25, 2013
Little children, decide for God anew and seek only His will – and then you will find joy and peace in Him. October 25, 2013
Dear children! I am calling you anew: begin the battle against sin as in the first days, go to confession and decide for holiness. March 25, 2014
Little children, decide also today for holiness and take the example of the saints of this time and you will see that holiness is a reality for all of you. October 25, 2015
You, little children, are free to in freedom decide for God or against Him. January 25, 2016
Little children, you decide for holiness and I, with my Son Jesus, intercede for you. January 25, 2017
Decide for God and He will lead you towards holiness; and the cross will be a sign of victory and hope for you. March 25, 2018
I am calling you – it is not late – decide for holiness and a life with God, in grace and in peace. September 25, 2018
Dear children! This is a time of grace. As nature renews itself for a new life, you also are called to conversion. Decide for God. March 25, 2019
Little children, witness with the Rosary in hand that you are mine and decide for holiness. August 25, 2019