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April 17, 2024

The Bread of Life

Jesus said to the crowd:


I am the bread of life.

He who comes to me will never be hungry;

He who believes in me will never thirst.


John 6 : 35


April 08, 2024

The Feast of the Annunciation in Lebanon

“The Virgin Mary occupies a unique place in Christianity and Islam, particularly in the Middle East. Indeed, Mary is considered an excellent source of dialog between Christians and Muslims and a symbol of national unity. She is essentially venerated in Islam, being the only woman whose name appears 34 times in the Koran [while Mary's name appears in the Gospels 19 times], and she is also a central figure in two Suras of the Koran — she is the only female figure to be mentioned there by name.


“Since 2007, the association Together around Mary, Our Lady has celebrated the Feast of Annunciation every year on March 25. This celebration is attended by both Christians and Muslims as well as religious leaders. The feast marks the angel Gabriel’s visit to the Virgin Mary. At the beginning, a joint celebration was organised at the College of Our Lady in Jamhour. It was then recognsed as a national feast day in 2018 at the Presidential Palace and in 2019 at the Grand Serail.


“The Marian culture, which brings together Christians and Muslims around the figure of Mary, has overcome many religious barriers. In 2010, Lebanon became the only country in the world to recognise the Feast of the Annunciation as a national holiday. While there are differences in how Muslims and Christians define Jesus, both religions share the belief that it was Gabriel who informed Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus.”


Source:  Nour Farra-Haddad


This year, because March 25 fell in Holy Week, the Feast of the Annunciation is moved to April 8, 2024


The picture above is detail from a painting of the Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci. Note the favour attached to the Angel Gabriel’s right arm. It is meant to depict the name of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. There are other references in the painting to the Islamic faith and culture.


April 08, 2024

Be carriers of light

Dear children! Pray with me for a new life for all of you. In your hearts, little children, you know what needs to be changed. Return to God and his commandments,  so that the Holy Spirit may change your lives and the face of this earth, which is in need of renewal in the spirit. Little children, be prayer for all those who do not pray; be joy for all those who do not see the way out; be carriers of light in the darkness of this peaceless time. Pray and seek the help and protection of the saints so that you also could yearn for Heaven and Heavenly realities. I am with you and am protecting and blessing all of you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.


Medjugorje Message, May 25, 2020


April 07, 2024

Divine Mercy Sunday

Eternal Father, I offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity of your dearly beloved Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.


For the sake of his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


Jesus, I trust in you, whatever the outcome.


April 05, 2024

Fish Friday

Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net to the shore, full of big fish, one hundred and fifty-three of them, and in spite of there being so many the net was not broken.


John 21:10-11


April 01, 2024

Easter Monday

On Easter Monday, the Catholic Church celebrates what’s called “Monday of the Angel.” In a Vatican Radio recording in 1994, Pope John Paul II gave an explanation for Monday of the Angel:


“Why is it called that?” the pope asked, highlighting the need for an angel to call out from the depths of the grave: “He is risen.”


These words “were very difficult to proclaim, to express, for a person,” John Paul II said. “Also, the women that were at the tomb encountered it empty but couldn’t tell ‘he had risen’; they only affirmed that the tomb was empty. The angel said more: ‘He is not here, he has risen.’”


Source: Catholic News Agency. Photo: The Angel of the North, Wikipedia


March 31, 2024

He is risen!

Tell us, Mary: say what you saw upon the way.

The tomb the Living did enclose;

I saw Christ’s glory as he rose!



March 29, 2024

Veneration of the Cross

This is the wood of the cross on which hung the Saviour of the world.

Come, let us worship.


Bend thy boughs , O Tree of Glory!

Thy relaxing sinews bend,

For a while the ancient rigour

That thy birth bestowed, suspend;

And the King of heavenly beauty

On thy bosom gently tend!


God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life. 

Part Medjugorje message, March 25, 1990


The shape of the trunk of the rhododendron tree outside the front of my home is a daily reminder for me of the Crucifixion.



March 29, 2024

Veneration of the smartphone

My children, fold your hands and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; you are drawing truth to be able to discern; you are drawing love that you may know to love truly. My children, apostles of my love, fold your hands, look at the Cross. Only in the Cross is salvation.


Medjugorje message to Mirjana, February 2, 2020


March 29, 2024

Good Friday

I kiss the wounds that heal,

and heal the wounds I kiss.


March 28, 2024

Holy Thursday

The spirit of the Lord has been given to me,

For he has anointed me.

He has sent me to bring good news to the poor,

To proclaim liberty to captives

And to the blind new sight,

To set the downtrodden free,

To proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.


Luke 4:18


March 27, 2024

Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday, or Holy Wednesday, commemorates the deal Judas struck with the chief priests as a clandestine spy among the disciples.


One of the Twelve, the man called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you prepared to give me if I hand him over to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver, and from that moment he looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus. 

Matthew 28:14-16


It should not be forgotten when, at the moment Judas identified Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane with a kiss , the Lord identified Judas with these words: “My friend ” and then commanded him to “do what you are here for”.


Judas was a repentant traitor and thief. Filled with remorse for what he had done, he publicly confessed his sin to the chief priests and returned the silver, but afterwards took his own life. I often wonder if, like the repentant thief on the cross alongside Jesus, he entered Paradise.


The portrait above is detail of a drawing of Judas made by Leonardo da Vinci in preparation for his famous Last Supper mural. But who was the model Leonardo used to represent Judas. Could it have been someone who may had betrayed Leonardo during his life?


• The Head of Judas drawing belongs to the Royal Collection Trust


March 26, 2024

What’s the plan for today?

Do you sometimes get questioned about Medjugorje, on the lines of: “Why has Our Lady been appearing for so long? Why does she give so many messages? Why are the messages repetitive? Why does she have secrets? Why hasn’t the Church officially approved Medjugorje?


There is really a simple answer to all these and the many other questions we get asked about Medjugorje from time to time – and found in one of Our Lady’s messages.


Read more at this link


March 25, 2024

Medjugorje message, March 2024

Dear children! In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.


March 25, 2024

Shrouded in mystery

When the word reached the king of Nineveh, he arose from his throne, laid aside his robe from him, covered himself with sackcloth and sat on the ashes.


Jonah 3:8

Narrow door_DSC0077_980.jpg

March 24, 2024

Best enter by the narrow door

Through the towns and villages Jesus went teaching, making his way to Jerusalem. Someone said to him, “Sir, will there be only be a few saved?” He said to them, “Try your best to enter by the narrow door, because I tell you, many will try to enter and will not succeed.” Luke 13 : 22-24


In the early days of the Medjugorje apparitions when Our Lady would appear to the seers in the choir loft in St James church, hundreds of pilgrims would crowd around the narrow door (pictured) to try and get access to the staircase and a place in the balcony. Only a few ever succeeded. Access was usually by invitation only. Talk about backstage passes!


But eventually, the local bishop put a stop to the visionaries receiving the apparitions of Our Lady in the church and now hardly anyone looks to gain access through this door.


In the above photograph the two chairs outside the narrow door are probably more germane to accessing heaven than being present for any apparition in a choir loft.


One seat is for a confessor, and the other for a penitent.


The thief on the cross who admitted his sin and asked Jesus to remember him gained access to Paradise by this narrow door. Jesus promised the man he would be with him in Paradise that same day.


March 24, 2024

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked

And figs grew upon thorn,

Some moment when the moon was blood

Then surely I was born.


With monstrous head and sickening cry

And ears like errant wings,

The devil’s walking parody

On all four-footed things.


The tattered outlaw of the earth,

Of ancient crooked will;

Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,

I keep my secret still.


Fools! For I also had my hour;

One far fierce hour and sweet:

There was a shout about my ears,

And palms before my feet.


The Donkey by G.K. Chesterton


March 23, 2024

God sends his love... again!

Today I met a 93-year-old lady. I sometimes see her at Mass on Saturday mornings but haven’t done so for a while. She came up to me and asked how I was keeping, and then surprised me with these words: “I light a candle for your grandchildren every Sunday.”


God sends his love!!


March 23, 2024

A cup of cold water

If anyone gives so much as a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, then I tell you solemnly, he will most certainly not lose his reward.

Matthew 10 : 42


Dear children! The Most High is giving me the grace that I can still be with you and to lead you in prayer towards the way of peace. Your heart and soul thirst for peace and love, for God and His joy. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray and in prayer you will discover the wisdom of living. I bless you all and intercede for each of you before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.

Medjugorje message, June 25 2014


March 21, 2024

Simple prayer produces miracles

Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer. Little children, believe that by simple prayer miracles can be worked. Through your prayer you open your heart to God and He works miracles in your life. By looking at the fruits, your heart fills with joy and gratitude to God for everything He does in your life and, through you, also to others. Pray and believe little children, God gives you graces and you do not see them. Pray and you will see them. May your day be filled with prayer and thanksgiving for everything that God gives you. Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjugorje message, October 25, 2002


March 20, 2024

Madonna of the Rocks

The above image is of a candle case tucked among the rocks on Apparition Hill at Medjugorje. The parish discourages pilgrims from lighting candles on the hill because of the danger of fire outbreaks, not an unusual  happening, especially in the summer months


The candle sleeve appears to be entombed but also rising from the rocks, perhaps echoing her Son’s resurrection from his tomb “hewn out of the rock”, and “a light that darkness could not overpower”. (John 1 : 5)


March 19, 2024

Bind us together...

Large and dense crowds were present in Medjugorje yesterday for the scheduled annual apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana. Thousands gathered at the base of Apparition Hill and the Blue Cross, as well as outside the seer’s home, all bound together n prayer.


Bind us together, Lord 

Bind us together 

With cords that cannot be broken 

Bind us together, Lord 

Bind us together 

Bind us together with Love 


There is only one God, 

There is only one King, 

There is only one Body, 

That is why we sing. 


Bind us together, Lord 

Bind us together 

With cords that cannot be broken 

Bind us together, Lord 

Bind us together 

Bind us together with Love 


Bob Gillman

Crucifixion_1687 37.jpg

March 18, 2024

“In Love is Victory”

If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing.


If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all.


If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but am without love, it will do me no good whatever.


Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful.


Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.


1 Corinthians 13 : 1-7


March 18, 2024

A comment from Mirjana

• The Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Soldo had this to say in 1998 during her talk at the Chicago Marian Conference.


“I want to tell you that I have heard about lots of different apparitions, some here in America, where reportedly Our Lady is talking about some horrible times to come where there is going to be floods and all kinds of disasters. And I always say, with a full heart, that that’s not truly Our Lady speaking because Our Lady is our mother and she loves her children, and it is not her desire that people love her because they fear. That is not true faith. She changes us with her smile and with love. And so we don't need to fear anything, but we need to place our lives in her hands and we must not think about what will happen tomorrow. Our Lady desires that we think about what is going to happen now, in this moment, because who amongst us here can say in ten minutes we will still be alive. Our Lady desires that every second of our lives we’re prepared to return to God.”

Mirjana_6876 38_C_980.jpg

March 17, 2024

Mirjana and “the sign of Jonah”

You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away.

Matthew 16 : 3-4


My children, you are all brothers and sisters through the same Holy Spirit. You, filled with love for my Son, can speak of what you know to all those who have not come to know that love. You have come to know the love of my Son, you have comprehended his Resurrection, with joy you cast your gaze towards him.

Part message to Mirjana, April 2, 2015


The Lord had arranged that a great fish should be there to swallow Jonah, and Jonah remained in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. From the belly of the fish he prayed to the Lord his God. [...] The Lord spoke to the fish, which then vomited Jonah on to the shore. (Jonah 2 : 1-2, 11)


My children, from the very beginning the Church was persecuted and betrayed, but day by day it grew. It is indestructible because my Son gave it a heart – the Eucharist, and the light of His Resurrection shone and will continue to shine upon it. Therefore, do not be afraid. Pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength and the love to be bridges of salvation.

Part message to Mirjana, April 25, 2018


March 16, 2024

God exists

Many years ago, in another lifetime, my work involved regular travel to Aberdeen in Scotland. An early visit to the Granite City resulted in two fines and endorsements on my driving license for speeding. After that, for the next eight years, I never travelled to Scotland again by car, but by plane instead.


One of my favourite keepsakes of the city is the plastic cup promoting Aberdeen airport, shown above. It’s still in use, even after 40 years! It’s also a fond reminder of the many cups Aberdeen FC won when the football club was managed by Alex Ferguson!


My first visit to Aberdeen (and to Scotland) was in the summer of 1981. At that time I wasn’t aware of the Medjugorje phenomenon, when Our Lady first appeared to Ivanka and Mirjana that same year in the late afternoon of June 24 


It was 15 years later before Medjugorje came into view when my wife travelled there in 1996. On her return from pilgrimage I met her at the airport. Her first words to me were, “Don’t ever tell me there isn’t a God” – and then she broke down in tears! 


My first visit to Medjugorje was four years later, in September 2000. It was then I was blessed to recognise my wife’s words had been an echo, a call, relayed from Medjugorje, and a pointer to an early message given by Our Lady when she said, “I have come to tell you that God exists.”


March 16, 2024

Entrance Antiphon

The snares of death overtook me, the ropes of hell tightened around me;

in my distress I called upon the Lord and he heard my voice.


March 16, 2024

Signs of new life

The foliage of the Camellia shrub is evergreen. It retains its colour throughout the year and during the long winter months of darkness. But not its beautiful flowers. New buds spring to life annually. A sign of new life. A sign from God. 


This morning I noticed the buds on the Camellia shrub outside my home were shaping up to burst into a new life of their own, to delight the eyes of passersby and myself when I look out of my front room window at nature’s glory and a sure sign that God is with us.


The genus was named Camellia by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnæus after the Moravian-born Jesuit missionary Georg Joseph Kamel.


Dear children! I invite you now to be open to God. See, children, how nature is opening herself and is giving life and fruits. In the same way I invite you to live with God and to surrender completely to him. Children, I am with you and I want to introduce you continuously to the joy of life. I desire that everyone may discover the joy and love which can be found only in God and which only God can give. God doesn't want anything from you only your surrender. Therefore, children, decide seriously for God because everything else passes away. Only God doesn't pass away. Pray to be able to discover the greatness and joy of life which God gives you. Thank you for having responded to my call.


Medjugorje message May 25, 1989


March 10, 2024

Seek His Face... Fourth Sunday of Lent

Of you my heart has spoken:

“Seek his face”

It is your face, O Lord, that I seek;

Hide not your face.

Psalm 26


Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror,

but then we shall be seeing face to face.

1 Corinthians 13 : 1223


May He reveal His face to you and may He give you His peace.

Part Medjugorje message, July 25, 2008


• You may wish to study the cuff of the man’s sleeve in the picture above (taken at Medjugorje) and notice its ‘dim’ or ‘veiled’ facial appearance.


March 10, 2024

Mother’s Day

O Mother blest, whom God bestows

on sinners and on just,

what joy, what hope thou givest those

who in thy mercy trust.


Thou art clement, thou art chaste,

Mary, thou art fair;

of all mothers sweetest, best;

none with thee compare.


March 09, 2024

Star lights at Medjugorje

All that came to be had life in him and that life was the light of men, a light that shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower. John 1 : 4-5


Dear children! Today I call you to be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Part Medjugorje message, September 25, 2014


March 06, 2024

Pride made angels fall...

A comment by Pope Francis during his General Audience this morning struck a chord with me. “Let us take advantage of this Lent to fight against our pride,” said the Pope.


It reminded me of an occasion at Medjugorje. Someone had said to me “Try and go to confession on the first day and your pilgrimage will get off to a good start.” I took the person’s advice, even though I had only been to confession back at home three days before.


On entering the confessional and kneeling before the priest, I explained to him that I couldn’t really give much of a report on my sins in the short time I was last at confession.


The priest responded, “Let’s start with pride”.


March 06, 2024

Cross demands

I’ve been handing out a few crosses recently – and also on the receiving end as well. I can almost liken the exchanges to the games children play – ‘pass the parcel’ and ‘tit-for-tat’. 


But what I have found helpful in this struggle is frequently praying the Way of the Cross. If I didn’t, then I’m sure things could be a lot worse, for me and for others!


A short time in reflection at each station is, in my experience, the most powerful way of starting a conversation with Jesus. And when that happens, then the truth speaks loud and clear. There is no escaping the truth when I walk the Way of the Cross with Jesus. No kidology, no self delusion, no excuses. Just the plain, honest, home truth arrives in my heart at every station.


The walk is never the same and differs for each person. It’s a journey of self- discovery where the heart is opened and exposed to all the healing Jesus desires to give. It’s a time of being honest with oneself and others, allowing Jesus to share our burden and help carry our cross. It’s a time when Jesus teaches us how to carry our own cross and also be a Simon for others. More than anything else, the walk is a lesson in love – as Jesus loves.


It is said that when Jesus was nailed to the cross and then taunted by spectators to come down to prove he was the Son of Man, it was an impossible task for him because he loved, and to do so would be a denial of his love. So he chose to remain nailed and to bear all suffering before final death, not for his own salvation but for ours.


Sometimes we are invited to love in this way, to remain nailed on the cross for the sake of others, especially when “they know not what they do”.


Very recently I imposed a ‘demanding’ cross on someone. In return the person made demands on me, for proof. And it went downhill from there.


Thank God, the Son of Man is strong and willing enough to bear the demands and crosses we impose on each other. But we have to walk with him and want to offer the burden, relinquish our demands, as well as taking our turn to be Simon. Then we rediscover and are blessed by the Truth we may have forgotten or closed our hearts to during those ‘demanding’ times. 


March 05, 2024

Birthday promises

It’s that time of the year again. I mean the month of March. The month Mirjana, the Medjugorje seer, is due to receive Our Lady’s promised annual message on her birthday – March 18. 


Mirjana has informed the world that Our Lady’s visitation on that day has nothing to do with her birthday. However, because the seer has proclaimed many times that she has been chosen to reveal “ten secrets” to the world given to her by Our Lady, there is an expectation by many that March 18 could be a date when one of the “secrets” may come to light.


Four years ago Our Lady informed Mirjana that she would no longer receive apparitions on the second day of each month. This annunciation was given on March 18, 2020.


It is said the “ten secrets” will be confirmation to the world of Our Lady’s appearances at Medjugorje. But will they convince the world that the truth and existence of God is real, as announced in one of Our Lady’s first messages when she said: “ I have come to tell the world that God exists.”


Abraham said to the rich man: “If they will not listen either to Moses or to the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead.” Luke 16 : 31


“I tell you most solemnly, whoever listens to my words, and believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life; without being brought to judgement, he has passed from death to life.” John 5 : 24


March 04, 2024

And you will keep me safe

France's upper house of parliament, the Senate, today voted overwhelmingly to enshrine women's right to abortion in the constitution.







Les Miserables



March 04, 2024

A Mother’s need

In Mark’s gospel (7 : 24-30) a pagan woman approaches Jesus and asks him to cast out the devil in her little daughter. 


Jesus replies in a way that appears derogatory. He says: “The children should be fed first, because it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs.” But then the pagan woman answers: “Ah yes, sir, but the house-dogs under the table can eat the children’s scraps.” 


And for saying this Jesus tells the pagan woman that she can go home happy because the devil has gone out of her daughter. 


It seems that we all have a place in life. Rank plays an important role in our day- to-day existence. Some are blessed to have their fill, while others can only feed from scraps. But we can see from this gospel passage that God provides for all, whatever our status, pagan or true believer. 


The pagan woman is a concerned mother who brings her worry to the feet of Jesus. She shows faith in doing this. And Jesus accepts her as she is, a pagan woman looked down on by those he first sets out to proclaim the Good News, the House of Israel. He is prepared to nourish her with the same bread, the Word of God – himself. He provides what she pleads for, the need of healing for her little girl. 


I watched a video recently that showed the visionary Mirjana speaking about the first days of the Medjugorje phenomenon. One thing she said stayed with me: “She (Our Lady) needed us the way we were.” The visionaries admit they were not chosen because they were the best, or the worst. 


And which mother can ever say that she does not “need” her children. All mothers have a “need” in some way for their children, just as the pagan woman had a need for her child. Why else did she come to Jesus to seek healing for the little girl? Our Blessed Mother also has a “need” for ALL of her children, and accepts us as we are, whatever our state or condition, but she also sees the need to take steps to bring the healing of Jesus to her children. 


A Medjugorje priest tells of the time when his country was at war. Many local mothers, many families, provided sons to fight at the front line. The priest relates that the mothers would pray every day for the safe return of their sons. But then the reality began to unfold. Some of these men would not return to their mothers in the same state that they left home. Some would come back wounded, some scarred and disfigured, some with missing limbs, some with psychological damage. 


By now the mothers had started to accept that their children may return not in the condition they would want them to, but every day the mothers would continue praying for their sons to come home. This was their need – only for their sons to come home, whatever their state. 


Unfortunately, in life we do not always want to accept certain people into our lives, especially into our hearts, if they are not wholesome, if they are damaged. We may even describe them in a derogatory way. We may even consider them no better than animals and call them dogs when we observe their way of life and see them living off discarded scraps. 

But Jesus provides. Jesus has need for them, and so does Mary – just the way they are. One word from Jesus – a scrap or a morsel – can be enough to nourish and heal. 



March 03, 2024

Third Sunday of Lent

Making a whip out of some cord, Jesus drove them all out of the Temple, cattle and sheep as well, scattered the money changers’ coins, knocked their tables over and said to the pigeon-sellers, “Take all of this out of here and stop turning my Father’s house into a market.”  John 3 : 15-16


Dear children, you are forgetting that I desire sacrifices from you so I can help you and drive Satan away from you. Therefore, I am calling you again to offer sacrifices with a special reverence toward God. Thank you for having responded to my call.


Part Medjugorje message, September 18, 1986


March 02, 2024

Wrestling with God

“Total surrender and dedication to Jesus is the greatest day of my life. No worries, no hate, no judgment… only love!” – Hulk Hogan


• More at this CBN link


March 01, 2024

St David’s Day

Were I to live a thousand years I still would know that flaming thrill,

That rush of joy when first appears —the golden daffodil.

Were I to weave ten thousand lays, knew I a thousand songs to sing,

I still would lack the power to praise—the miracle of Spring.


Wilhelmina Stitch


photo: Getty Images


February 29, 2024

The Father judges  no one...

Jesus replied: “I tell you most solemnly, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing: and whatever the Father does the Son does too.


“For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he does himself, and he will show him even greater things than these, works that will astonish you.


“Thus, as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son gives life to anyone he chooses; for the Father judges no one; he has entrusted all judgement to the Son, so that all may honour the Son as they honour the Father.


“Whoever refuses honour to the Son refuses honour to the Father who sent him.


“I tell you most solemnly, whoever listens to my words and believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life; without being brought to judgement he has passed from death to life.”


John 5 : 19-24


February 28, 2024

“Our Lady has been waiting for you...”

Famed Hollywood producer, Lucas Foster has an incredible body of work to his name, including Ford vs. Ferrari, Man on Fire, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Dangerous Minds, Law Abiding Citizen, Enemy of the State, and many others.  So, by his own admission, when he was asked to help make a movie about Medjugorje – a place he had never heard of before and knew nothing about – he was more shocked than anyone that he instinctually said yes.


More at this Spirit Daily link


February 25, 2024

Medjugorje message, February 2024

Dear children! Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and oneness with God. Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful; that is why, you little children, be light, love and my outstretched hands in this world which yearns for God Who is love. Thank you for having responded to my call.


February 25, 2024

Of you my heart has spoken!

Of you my heart has spoken! Seek his face. It is your face, O Lord, that I seek; hide not your face from me.


Entrance Antiphon, Second Sunday of Lent (B)


February 24, 2024

St Brigid crosses to aid Mary’s Meals

For the past 56 years, Joe Bovaird has been raising vital funds for charities around Donegal by making St Brigid crosses. And for the 1,000 crosses woven out of rushes that Joe made this year, he received donations amounting to 3,650 euros, all of which he contributed to Mary’s Meals. The generous gift has helped feed 160 school children for a full school year.


Source:  Donegal News

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