Then to all Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me.
Luke 9 : 23
lifetime friend of the aged...
a triumphant display...
a vocation in life...
and staff for the journey...
always in focus...
a waiting challenge...
in which hope is placed...
a living stone...
a vehicle for life...
symbolic yet real...
it inspires affection...
is preached and proclaimed...
clothed and carried...
fashioned and formed...
erected and prayed on...
touched and displayed...
a sign of sainthood
shared by a Mother...
chiselled in stone...
and carved in wood...
carried in faith...
and covered with tears...
a reason to rest...
before the journey continues...
adorned and embellished...
a cause for thirst...
shared with a loved one...
and approached with affection...
kissed by kids...
a lesson in love...
presented to priests...
and shared with friends...
held and carried...
faced alone...
for one and for all...
a grave marker...
a road sign...
where Mary stands...
to share our final agony...
BG 2014