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November 20, 2021

Last post... for now

This is the last posting I’m making on the website for now, except for the monthly message given by the seer Marija and any exceptional news relating to Medjugorje. I may resume posting again in 2022.


November 17, 2021

Answers found in prayer

“Many pilgrims come to Medjugorje and ask many questions. Everybody would like to know something! They ask questions I cannot answer, but Our Lady teaches us and says: Pray, and through prayer you will know the answers to all that you are looking for. ”  • Medjugorje seer, Jakov Colo


November 14, 2021

Covid outbreak after pilgrimage to Medjugorje

The Italian news agency ANSA. has reported today that 30 pilgrims travelling home to Sardinia from Medjugorje have returned infected with the Delta variant of the Sars Cov-2 virus. The outbreak has spread to various centres in the Sassarese area, infecting over a hundred close contacts of the faithful after their return to the island.  More details at this link.

Coronavirus statistical details for Bosnia Herzegovina at this link.


November 14, 2021

The heavens proclaim the glory of the Lord

If they are capable of acquiring enough knowledge to be able to investigate the world, how have they been slow to find its Master? 


• Book of Wisdom


November 11, 2021

Evil can never triumph over Wisdom

Wisdom is a spirit inteliigent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, active, incisive, unsullied, lucid, invulnerable, benevolent, sharp. irresistible, beneficient, loving to man, steadfast, dependable, unperturbed, almighty, all-surveying, penetrating all intelligent, pure and most subtle spirits; for Wisdom is quicker to move than any motion; she is so pure, she pervades and permeates all things.

• Book of Wisdom


November 06, 2021

November... month of the Holy Souls

One of the criminals hanging there abused him. “Are you not the Christ?” he said. “Save yourself and us as well.” But the other spoke up and rebuked him. “Have you no fear of God at all?” he said. “You got the same sentence as he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus,” he said, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” “Indeed, I promise you,” he replied “today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23 : 39-43)


October 28, 2021

Paris archbishop visits Medjugorje

The Archbishop of Paris, Msgr Michel Aupetit, celebrated Holy Mass in Medjugorje on Tuesday last. It was concelebrated by 39 priests. The Archdiocese of Paris organised a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, and in addition to Archbishop Aupetit, there were four other priests and 54 pilgrims. The text of the Archbishop’s homily can be read at this link.


October 20, 2021

Praying the Rosary with the Medjugorje messages

I’ve added a new feature to this website’s homepage – Praying the Rosary with the Medjugorje messages. It’s a slide presentation of Medjugorje images linked to some of the messages for each mystery of the Rosary.


October 19, 2021

What would He find...

“What would He find, should He come just now;
A faded leaf or a fruitless bough;
A servant sleeping, an idle plow;
What would He find should He come just now?
What would he find should He come tonight;
Your garment soiled or a spotless white;
Your lamps all burning or with no light;
What would He find should He come tonight?”


October 18, 2021

Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist

This is the image of our Queen who reigns in bliss above;
Of her who is the hope of men, whom men and angels love.


This homage offered at the feet of Mary’s image here,
To Mary’s self at once ascends above the starry sphere.


How fair soever be the form which here your eyes behold,
It’s beauty is by Mary’s self, excelled a thousand-fold.


Sweet are the flowerets we have called this image to adorn;
But sweeter far is Mary’s self, that rose without a thorn.


Most holy Mary, at thy feet, I bend a suppliant knee,
In all my joy, in all my pain, O Virgin born without a stain,
Do thou remember me.


Words by Rev. E. Caswall • Image: Detail from St Luke Painting the Virgin and Child, Quinten Masseys, c1520, The National Gallery, London


October 12, 2021

Medjugorje Retreats scheduled for 2022

March 14-18, 2022 – The 27th International Spiritual Retreat for Organisers of Pilgrimages, Leaders of Peace Centres, and Leadders of Medjugorje Prayer and Charity Groups.
May 11-14, 2022 – The 8th International Spiritual Retreat for Life
July 4-9, 2022 – The 25th International Spiritual Retreat for Priests
November 2-5, 2022 – The 21st International Spiritual Retreat for Married Couples


October 11, 2021

Feast of Saint John XXIII

Although few people had as great an impact on the 20th century as Pope John XXIII, he avoided the limelight as much as possible. Indeed, one writer has noted that his “ordinariness” seems one of his most remarkable qualities. More at this link.


September 16, 2021

Maria Vision Medjugorje

Maria Vision Medjugorje is the first religious television channel in the Croatian language in Bosnia Herzegovina. It was established as a subsidiary of  “Maria Vision” – a mission that broadcasts Catholic and religious content. Through Our Lady's messages Maria Vision Medjugorje sets out to touch all hearts to understand how much the Blessed Mother loves them and invites them to her Son. The messages from Medjugorje are an invitation to the whole world to convert and MVM, through the messages and wonderful testimonies of pilgrims who have been coming to this holy place for over 40 years, is responding to the call. • More at Maria Vision Medjugorje


September 15, 2021

Our Lady of Sorrows

The devotion to the Sorrowful Mother, extremely popular above all in areas around the Mediterranean, developed around the end of the 11th century. Connected with this devotion is the Stabat Mater, attributed to Jacopone da Todi (1230-1306). We find the first liturgical celebrations for the sorrowful Mary, or the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion, “standing” at the foot of the Cross, in the 15th century. Prior to that, in 1233, the Ordo Servorum Beatae Mariae Virginis (Order of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commonly known as the Servites) was founded. They greatly contributed to the spread of the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, so much so that in 1668 they were granted permission to celebrate a votive Mass to the Seven Sorrows of Mary. In 1692, Pope Innocent XII authorised the celebration of a Feast in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows on the third Sunday of September. This proved only to be temporary because later, on 18 August 1714, the feast was transferred to the Friday before Palm Sunday. On 18 September 1814, Pope Pius VII extended the liturgical feast to the entire Latin Church, transferring it to the third Sunday of September. Pope Pius X ( + 1914) fixed the date of the feast on 15 September, the day after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It would no longer be known as the “Seven Sorrows of Mary”, but “Our Lady of Sorrows”. source: Vatican News


September 14, 2021

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated every year on September 14, recalls three events: The finding of the True Cross by Saint Helena; the dedication of churches built by Emperor Constantine on the site of the Holy Sepulchre and Mount Calvary; the restoration of the True Cross to Jerusalem in AD 629 by the Byzantine emperor Heraclius. source: Wikipedia


September 13, 2021

Franciscan anniversaries

Tomorow, the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Five Franciscan priests will celebrate the 25th anniversary of their ordination. Three have Medjugorje connections: Fr Marinko Šakota, currectly serving at the shrine, along with former pastors at Medjugorje, Fr Miljenko Steko and Fr Ljubo Kurtovic. The two other Franciscans are Don Ivan Peric and Fr Valentin Vukoja. Also celebrating his 25th anniversary as a priest will be bishop Petar Palić. 


The occasion concurs with the 21st anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral of Mary the Mother of the Church, Mostar. The five Franciscans will concelebrate Holy Mass with Bishop Palić in the Cathedral at 6:00pm tomorrow.


September 8, 2021

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church has celebrated Mary’s birth since at least the sixth century. A September birth was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. The September 8 date helped determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.


Scripture does not give an account of Mary’s birth. However, the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James fills in the gap. This work has no historical value, but it does reflect the development of Christian piety. According to this account, Anna and Joachim are infertile but pray for a child. They receive the promise of a child who will advance God’s plan of salvation for the world. Such a story, like many biblical counterparts, stresses the special presence of God in Mary’s life from the beginning.


Saint Augustine connects Mary’s birth with Jesus’ saving work. He tells the earth to rejoice and shine forth in the light of her birth. “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our first parents is changed.” The opening prayer at Mass speaks of the birth of Mary’s Son as the dawn of our salvation, and asks for an increase of peace.




September 4, 2021

Split decision for Irish pilgrims

A pilgrimage flight from Cork in Ireland due to arrive a Mostar airport on September 1 was diverted because of a malfunction to the plane. A report by Mostar Airport suggested the flight would land in Zadar because the airline had a repair base there, but it was later established that the plane landed at Split instead before passengers were able to transfer to Medjugorje.


August 31, 2021

Pope accepts resignation of Apostolic Nuncio

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Msgr Luigi Pezzuta, Apostolic Nuncio of Bosnia Herzegovina, offered in accordance with Vatican norms on reaching the age of 75. The Archbishop was first appointed as Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina by Pope Benedict XVI in November 2012. Earlier this week he celebrated the Memorial Mass at Medjugorje for the recently deceased Archbishop Henryk Hoser, the Apostolic Visitator to Medjugorje.


August 30, 2021

Taking solemn vows at Medjugorje

• Six brothers of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina will take solemn vows on Saturday, September 4, in St James church, Medjugorje, during the evening Mass at 6:00pm. They are Fr Ivan Crnogorac (parish of the Immaculate Conception BDM - Posušje), Fr Fran Ćorić (parish of St Ante Padovanski - Humac), Fr Marko Galić (parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Široki Brijeg), Fr Marin Mikulić (parish of St Peter and Paul - Kočerin), Fr Ivan Slišković (Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Široki Brijeg) and Fr Slaven Tomić (Parish of St Anthony of Padua - Humac). Source:


August 14, 2021

Walk in peace, Archbishop Henryk Hoser

Archbishop Henryk Hoser, appointed by Pope Francis three years ago in the role of Apostolic Visitor to Medjugorje, died yesterday, Friday 13th,  at the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior in Warsaw. He had twice previously been hospitalised after he became ill with COVID-19 earlier this year, in April and again in May. Msgr Hoser was blessed to recover and participate in the 40th anniversary of the Medjugorje phenomenon and is pictured above joining the annual Peace Walk on June 24. However, a month later he was admitted to hospital for a third time and his condition was described as serious. His death was announced yesterday evening by the Polish bishops’ conference. More details at this link.


August 6, 2021

“Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here...”

Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone. There in their presence he was transfigured: his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared to them; they were talking with him. Then Peter spoke to Jesus, “Lord,” he said “it is wonderful for us to be here...” (Matthew 17 : 1-4)


August 5, 2021

Our Lady’s birthdays

September 8 can be viewed as Our Lady’s ‘official’ birthday celebrated by the Church. But for followers of Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje there is another date in the calendar put aside for celebrating the Gospa’s birthday – August 5, best considered as Our Lady’s ‘private’ birthday. This was revealed to the visionaries very early on in the history of the Medjugorje apparitions.


• Mention of this date was also made by Fr René Laurentin and published the same year in his book, Is the Virgin Mary Appearing at Medjugorje? He wrote: 


At the end of May 1984, Jelena and Mirjana, with whom I spoke on June 10, had received from the Virgin a call to celebrate August 5 as the 2,000 birthday of her birth. The feast was to be celebrated by two days of fasting and a day of celebration... The three days of fast (they added one) ended in a day of intense prayer in the Church and on the hill (of apparitions). There were many conversions and confessions. One of the priests said to me: “I will remember this day more than my 20 previous years as a confessor.” According to the young people (the visionaries), Mary had said who had heard confessions that day would have great joy...


August 2, 2021

A message from Pope Francis to Medjugorje

Pope Francis has sent a message to the young people gathered at Mladifest, the annual international prayer meeting being held from 1-6 August in Medjugorje. Entrusting them to the example of Mary, the Pope invited them to believe in the fullness and true happiness that giving oneself to God brings.
More details at this link.


July 31, 2021

Henryk Hoser in hospital again... “condition serious” 

Archbishop Henryk Hoser is in hospital and his condition is described as “serious”. It is his third hospital stay this year. The Apostolic Visitor at Medjugorje was first hospitalised in April when he fell ill with Covid-19. He was hospitalised for the second time in May because of complications from his recent coronavirus infection.


Romuald Kamiński, who has served as bishop of Warszawa-Praga since 2017, issued the following notice addressed to Reverend Priests,
Venerable Religious Sisters and all persons of consecrated life:


Dear Diocesans, On Thursday, July 29, 2021, Archbishop Henryk Hoser SAC was returned to the hospital. The state of Archbishop is serious. I cordially ask all dioceses to surround the sick person with individual prayer; I entrust to pastors the memory of this intention in communal prayer – commemoration in common prayer during the Eucharist, during adoration or rosary, etc. May our unity with him, expressed in the divine office offered for his intention, accompany the Archbishop. Let us also ask for the necessary favours for all those who look after His Excellency during hospitalisation.


With a shepherd's blessing

+ Romuald Kamiński, Bishop of Warsaw and PR

• Archbishop Hoser had returned to Medjugorje recently to attend the 40th anniversary celebrations of the Medjugorje phenomenon.


July 24, 2021

Cardinal Sarah to attend Medjugorje Youth Festival

This year's 32nd Youth Festival in Medjugorje (Mladifest) will be held from August 1 to 8 under the motto “What good must I do?” (Mt 19:16) 


A large number of church dignitaries are expected and Mass celebrations will be led by: Cardinal Robert Sarah (pictured); Apostolic Nuncio to BiH Archbishop Luigi Pezzuto; Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda; Bishop Guido Gallese and Fr Miljenko Šteko, Provincial of the Herzegovina Franciscan Province.


“Their participation is a great event and a great joy for all of us,” said Medjugorje’s parish priest Fr Marinko Šakota. “Young people are happy when they see that shepherds are with them, and shepherds are happy when they see so many young people praying and praising the Lord.”


July 20, 2021

Gianluca Vialli: “It’s time for gratitude”

Following Italy’s Euro 2020 Final victory against England, Gianluca Vialli. the former Chelsea player and manager and now assistant to the Italian national team coach Roberto Mancini, travelled to Bergamo and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Hope to give thanks for Italy’s success. He made the announcement personally on social networks, saying “This is a time of gratitude.”


After the Wembley Final Vialli remained in London where he resides and did not return to Rome with the team to celebrate. Instead he returned later to Italy and last Sunday went to Bergamo to honour and pay tribute to Our Lady for the great joy given to him and to all of Italy. source:


July 9, 2021

Roberto Mancini, a pilgrim in Medjugorje

The Italian national football coach Roberto Mancini first arrived in Medjugorje as a pilgrim on March 25, 2012, the feast of the Annunciation. The message of Our Lady given that evening to the Medjugorje seer Marija Pavlovic was:


Dear children! Also today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing and to call you to prayer. May prayer become a need for you to grow more in holiness every day. Work more on your conversion because you are far away, little children. Thank you for having responded to my call.


A firm believer in the apparitions, Mancini has returned to Medjugorje several times since and formed a close bond with the seer Vicka who, he claims, once appeared to him in a dream before he met her.


In an interview with Pierluigi Diaco, Mancini gave this account of the dream: “I was in a room with a few people and the visionary Vicka was with me who, at a certain point, smiled at me staring into my eyes, so much so that, suddenly, I turned to see if she was looking at someone else. But all of a sudden, Vicka moved and headed towards me, so much so that, at that point, I no longer had any doubts. She came up to me, she came closer, she stared at me again, looking me straight in the eye. Then he gave me a kiss on the forehead. I felt the sensation of the physical contact of a person who, however, I had never seen or known in life.”


• Mancini’s Italian team face England in the final of the 2020 European Football Championship at London’s Wembley Stadium on Sunday.


July 8, 2021

New appointment for St James parish, Medjugorje

Among the many pastoral changes and appointments made earlier this month by Msgr Petar Palić, bishop of Mostar-Duvno and Apostolic Administrator of of Trebinje-Mrkan, is Fr Antonio Primorac OFM, who now serves as parish vicar of St James the Apostle, Medjugorje.


July 6, 2021

A record number of concelebrating priests

On June 25, 2021, the 40th Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions was celebrated in Medjugorje. Fr MiljenkoSteko, the Provincial of the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province was the main celebrant of the solemn Holy Mass, along with 368 concelebrating priests, the highest number in all these years for this anniversary occasion.


July 5, 2021

Please pray for Nashir

Please pray for NASHIR, one of many patients I recently shared a hospital ward with. Nashir is from Bangladesh and has been in hospital for the past five months. My own stay lasted nine days after I was admitted on June 24. The ward bedded 20 men suffering with various medical conditions and because of Covid restrictions none of the patients were allowed visitors unless they were considered close to death. Nashir’s daughter and his brother visit him daily.


June 23, 2021

Pilgrims return to Medjugorje by the thousands

The head of the Medjugorje Tourist Board, Željko Vasilj, reports: “Currently, there are more than two thousand pilgrims in Medjugorje, and reservations to mark the anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions have been confirmed by more than 10,000 foreign guests from various parts of the world.”


Vasilj points out that guests from the USA are already arriving, and pilgrims from Brazil are on their way, but this year most guests will come from eastern bloc countries.


"About 1,500 guests have already arrived from Poland and we expect twice as many still to come from there. Reservations have also been confirmed by guests from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, so that they will be fifty percent of the total number of foreign guests. The rest are guests from the West, including Germany, Austria, France, Spain, but also America. Some Irish people will also attend, and the Italians, who have always been our main guests, will be the least in number because of Italy’s quarantine restrictions,” Vasilj explained.




June 20, 2021

He lets his glory be seen...

• High temperatures of between 32-34º are forecast for Medjugorje during this coming week, and on Friday for the 40th-anniversary celebrations of the Medjugorje phenomenon.


June 19, 2021

Medjugorje is a missionary focus for Europe

• What impressed me in Medjugorje was not the apparitions and inexplicable phenomena, but above all the intensity with which the sacraments are celebrated and the normal things of Catholicism are practiced, such as Eucharistic adoration, the Way of the Cross, and the Rosary. Everything in the Marian pilgrimage site is oriented towards the encounter with Jesus Christ. At the same time, Medjugorje is a place where God also calls people.


Fr Karl Wallner, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (Missio), Austria


June 11, 2021

Some good news for Medjugorje and pilgrims

• Today, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina finally voted on new rules and conditions for the entry of all foreigners into BiH. This means that people who have been vaccinated or have survived the coronavirus will be able to enter the country without a negative PCR test.


It was also decided that an antigen test will be recognised at the BiH border. Until now, only Serbs, Croats and Montenegrins could enter BiH without a PCR test. And this will mean a lot for BiH tourism and the economy in general.


The state ministers were also under pressure from tourist workers who have been protesting in recent days, demanding that conditions for entry of foreigners be eased. Source: Klick


This is good news in time for pilgrims wanting to attend the 40th anniversary of the Medjugorje phenomenon on June 25, and also the annual Medjugorje International Youth Festival which runs from August 1 to August 6.


June 6, 2021

“What good must I do?”

• The 32nd annual Medjugorje Youth Festival is scheduled for later this year from August 1 to August 6. The theme for the six-day event is adapted from the passage in Luke’s Gospel, chapter 20, when a rich young man approached Jesus and said: “Master, what good deed must I do to possess eternal life?” Jesus then responded by pointing out the dangers of riches and the reward of renunciation.


June 4, 2021

40th Anniversary processions

• An added event to this year’s programme celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Medjugorje phenomenon will be a procession from Podbrdo (where Our Lady first appeared) to the parish church of St James.


The procession takes place on June 25 and will start from Podbrdo at 4:30pm so that participants are able to arrive at the parish church in time for the start of the evening prayer programme.


The annual Peace Walk from Humac to Medjugorje that originated in 1992 is scheduled for June 24, the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist.


May 31, 2021

Setback for ‘tourists’ wanting to enter BiH

• Disappointingly today, the outcome of the meeting of the BiH Council of Ministers resulted in no relaxation of the current rule for foreign visitors and tourists entering Bosnia and Herzegovina. Foreigners still need to produce a negative COVID-19 (PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours, although some groups are exempt from this rule.


Seemingly the decision is political and become a bargaining tool adopted by a particular minister wanting to change the visa regime for Saudia Arabia, contrary to agreements already in place.


Meanwhile, the tourist industry in Bosnia and Hercegovina continues to suffer, including the celebration plans for the 40th anniversary of the Medjugorje phenomenon on June 24.


May 31, 2021

“Why should we be so honoured with a visit from the mother of Our Lord?”

• Today we celebrate the Feast of the Visitation when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, visited her cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist. It was on the Nativity of John the Baptist that the Queen of Peace first visited Medjugorje forty years ago – June 24, 1981. See Mary’s Unspoken Message.


May 30, 2021

A gallery of Medjugorje images from the past

• Photographer Geraint Lewis has published a gallery of historic Medjugorje images in mono and colour on his website: The Geraint Lewis Photography Archive. Well worth a visit.


May 29, 2021

Newly-formed Medjugorje Tourist Association puts pressure on BiH government

• The recently formed Association of Tourism, Hoteliers and Room Renters (UTHIS) at Medjugorje has threatened to organise protests and lawsuits if the Bosnia and Hercegovina Council of Ministers does not facilitate easier entry into the country for visitors and tourists.


Currently in force is entry only to persons with a negative PCR test, which UTHIS claims is unacceptable and that any delay in easing the requirements will only contribute to quicken the demise of many local businesses.


With the anniversary of the apparitions less than a month away, the Association is increasingly worried about the future since many of its members have not worked these past 18 months and receive no financial support from the government.


May 28, 2021

Pope Francis met with Mostar-Duvno bishop today

• Pope Francis today received bishop Petar Palić of the Mostar-Duvno diocese in a private audience. Was Medjugorje on the agenda?

Bishop Palic was appointed in July 2020 to replace Ratko Perić on his retirement.

Archbishop Henryk Hoser, the apostolic visitator for Medjugorje, is currently absent from the parish while being treated in Warsaw for complications associated with the Covid-19 virus and his hospitalization.


May 28, 2021

The Harrowing of Hell

• The bronze Risen Saviour sculpture at Medjugorje was created by Andrej Ajdič. The Slovenian artist describes his creation in this way:


“My sculpture of Christ differs from the classic images and doesn’t resemble them at all. It is a result of a different approach to the theme and introduces a new reflection, which succeeds in creating in a single sculpture both the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. My Jesus symbolises both… In this single sculpture I have managed to present two mysteries simultaneously: Crucifixion and Resurrection.”


What Ajdic doesn’t mention is that between the period of Christ’s death on the cross and his resurrection, Jesus descended into Hell – sometimes referred to as “the Harrowing of Hell” – to claim the souls of the righteous who had died earlier. In one sense harrowing can mean to ‘break open’; in another, ‘to provoke feelings of fear or horror’.


A famous painting from 1893 – “The Scream” – by the Nowegian artist Edvard Munch is said to symbolise the fear and anxiety of the human condition, and express a harrowing experience. Under certain light conditions a similar image can be seen to manifest on the abdomen of the Risen Saviour sculpture – a section that could be interpreted as the Harrowing of Hell, the stage between Christ’s death and his resurrection.


May 25, 2021

Latest Medjugorje message given to Marija Pavlovic

• Dear children! Today I am looking at you and calling: return to God because he is love and out of love has sent me to you to lead you on the way of conversion. Leave sin and evil, decide for holiness and joy will begin to reign; and you will be my extended hands in this lost world. I desire that you be prayer and hope to those who have not come to know the God of love. Thank you for having responded to my call.


May 22, 2021

Testing times at Medjugorje

• A mobile unit has been set up in Medjugorje to test pilgrims for coronavirus and will operate from Tuesday, May 25. The tests will be performed by employees of the Čitluk Health Centre in cooperation with the University Clinical Hospital at Mostar.


The mobile unit is located at the Maltese Ambulance centre close to St James parish church in Medjugorje. Test results will be completed on the same day and issued in foreign languages for pilgrims requiring documentation and proof when crossing borders and returning to their home country.


Test prices have still to be announced.

Bosnia & Hercegovina is currently an amber-isted country for people travelling from the United Kingdom. Check this link for restrictions and requirements, and for any updated information.


May 22, 2021

Forty years ago... fiction triumphed by truth

• Forty years ago the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark first appeared on cinema screens. Starring Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in search of the Ark of the Covenant, the movie became a big success and grossed millions of dollars worldwide.

Remarkably, just twelve days later on June 24, 1981, the “Ark of the Covenant”, Our Lady Queen of Peace, first appeared in Medjugorje bearing the Infant Jesus in her arms. 


April 28, 2021

Joe Walsh Tours ceases trading

• Joe Walsh Tours, one of the main travel companies operating pilgrimages to Medjugorje from Ireland and the UK, has ceased trading after sixty years in business.


The High Court in Dublin has appointed provisional liquidators for the company devasted by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Details for making claims and obtaining refunds can be found at this link.


March 28, 2021

Death of former Medjugorje pastor

• Fr Kevin Devine, who pastored english-speaking pilgrims at Medjugorje for many years, died in New York on March 25. He was 90 and served as a priest for 65 years which included 31 years service as chaplain to the United States Army. RIP.

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